Tag Archives: Chocolate

Chocolate Dipped Almond Crescents

There is a type of cookie I love. I used to get them at a bakery near my house in FL. They were these chewy, almond-rific, chocolate dipped crescents.

Almond Crescents

I recently had a similar cookie and it reminded me how much I miss them. So I made some. Turns out they are easy and only use a handful of ingredients.

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Chocolate Orange Shortbread

Chocolate Orange Shortbread

Before I dive in and tell you about these delicious cookies. . . .be patient!Chocolate Orange!Let me take a minute to appreciate that sometimes winter is lovely. Read the rest of this entry

Chocolate Covered Cherry Chip Cake

I want to revisit cherry chip cake. I haven’t made it in a few months but I am wishing for a big slice right now. Cherry season is over but this recipe only relies on maraschino cherries from a jar and they are ALWAYS in season in my world.Chocolate Covered CherryThis is a simplified version of my other cherry chip cake recipe. With the addition of the chocolate icing it mimics a chocolate covered cherry. Yummy! Need some now!

Aside from “needing” a large slice of cake right now, I have another issue in my house. Fruit flies. I have an infestation! Read the rest of this entry

Almond Joy Ice Cream

It’s not really ice cream “season” yet in my part of the country. It’s more like very cold slush season here still. However, I have an ice cream recipe for you today.almond joy ice creamAs far as I’m concerned, there is no real season for ice cream. Cold weather or hot. . makes no difference to me. I do know some people who only eat it during the warmer months of the year. Read the rest of this entry

Chocolate Loaf Cake

It’s almost Valentine’s Day so it’s time for a little chocolate. I don’t need flowers or anything. . just chocolate. (And occasionally some jewelry.)Chocolate Loaf Cake

This is my favorite chocolate cake recipe. It’s not fancy or fussy. It doesn’t even have icing. But it’s rich and dense and SUPER moist. I can’t believe I’ve never shared it before. Read the rest of this entry

Peanut Butter Energy Bites

So, Tim and I are soon going to be hiking/backpacking/camping experts. Actually with the amount of reading Tim has been doing I’m pretty sure he already is an expert even though we haven’t had a chance to practice much.Peanut Butter Energy Bites

We live in the cold north and winter/snow camping is not yet on my radar as a “fun” thing to do. Until spring rolls around, reading about it and trying out hiker friendly meals is as good as it gets.

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Midnight Mocha Cookies

Happy Halloween! I’ve been keeping it tasty at our house with some Halloween themed cookies, among other things. These cookies are super dark, like midnight. Thus. my name for them. This is just a variation on a chocolate spice roll out cookie I make but it’s so tasty with the addition of espresso powder I figured I should share.Midnight Mocha CookiesYou certainly don’t have to be as elaborate with your cookie decorating. You know how I get. You could slather on some sort of icing though because these are not that sweet on their own. (I still love them without icing because they are sort of chewy and only moderately sweet, but Tim prefers them with the added sugar boost. Your call.) Read the rest of this entry

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

‘Tis the season to be harvesting. In my case that has meant fennel, chard, basil, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant. . oh yea, and zucchini.chocolate zucchini cakeThe harvest has been light for most things this year. We’ve been slaughtered by slugs and snails. Zucchini must not be as delicious as the tomatoes are because they haven’t been bothered by a single critter. Read the rest of this entry

Chocolate Chews

August? Already? I can’t believe how fast the summer has flown by.Chocolate ChewsActually the last week has felt like it’s already winter. It’s been cold and rainy and yucky. Not great summer weather but perfect cookie baking weather. Read the rest of this entry

Chocolate Macaroons

I’ve got a pretty simple cookie for you today. Easy to make and easy to eat. And because of my love of coconut I generally have all these ingredients on hand when the mood strikes.Chocolate MacaroonOf course, the problem with “easy-to-eat” baked goods in my world is that I can easily sit and eat MANY at a time. Without blinking. And the chewy texture of these makes them all the more appealing to me.  Read the rest of this entry